Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 11-Favorite TV shows!

Thats easy.. I have 3 all time favorite tv shows!... never miss a episode!!

I can remember watching this show as a kid with my grandma.. then my mom watched it.. and now i do.. im sure itll still be around when Braylee is older!

ARMY WIVES... oh it makes me laugh.. it makes me cry... it makes me think..and yes i watched it before i even met shelby :)

i love love love this show.. and jesse williams.. the last guy on the right.. is ummmmm DELICIOUS!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Things my mother taught me!

When I was younger...
There were many things that would drive my mother bonkers...
The one thing that sticks out in my head is this..
She would yell at me from the other room and my response would be..
"What mom" or "Just a Minute"...
I never understood why she got so irritated with me...
Well last night I called her and apoligized...
Why you ask...
Well because my 2 half year old son has now started with...
"what mom" and "just a minute" when I yell from the other room...
And its not in this cute little way...
Its in the.. "i think im to busy for you kind of way"
I hate to admit that she is right..
That he is EXACTLY like me...
I see myself in him each and everyday..
Im a little bit scared to see what is to come of this little monster...

Yes that is him giving his impression of "the finger"... i have not a clue where he picked this up from ;) lol HELP ME!!!

Random thoughts

Randomness going on around my house

  • I have a mountain of laundry to put away.. however I much rather play on the computer.. its such a dreary day!
  • I will get the motivation to clean about a hour before the hubby gets home.. then I will be stressed about cleaning and cooking all night.. trust me I do this often!
  • Potato soup for dinner tonight-recipe on my other blog!
  • Kyson's new favorite thing to say is "I sor-wee" its so cute.. or "tank you mum"...or "just a minute" or "what"!
  • The 'what" and "just a minute" i don't like-another blog post to follow on that!
  • We have a weekend full of busy-ness coming our way..I get a "date" night with my best friend-and were cleaning the garage! Fun huh!
  • Kysons stupid tooth is still bothering him-cant wait to get that fixed!
  • Shelby (the hubby) goes to the Dr on the 11th...for his hearing test.. lets pray it goes well!
  • Braylee is growing like a weed.. getting her ears pierced Friday...what fun! for me..not her!
  • The dog..duke..DRIVES ME INSANE..i hate him with a passion-i know hate is a strong word.. well i have strong feelings against him!
  • What else???....

Link Up-What Im loving wednesday!

Linking up with Jamies Blog on what im loving Wednesday!

First of all I love that it is Wednesday
That means that it is halfway through this horrible week!
Its been cold & stormy around here
Im so glad that is almost over
Which is the second thing

{That this weekends forcast looks great compared to the past week}
This means that this weekend we get to clean the garage out and get ready for my yardsale!!

Im LOVING ..........
                                                            {that my kids are so close!}
I mean seriously..they love each other so much!!..they love to watch cartoons together!

Im LOVING......
{These Cute clothes from Rue 21}
They are in my to-buy list
Seriously how cute are they????

Im LOVING..........
{This picture of the hubby and I}
Think I will get a big one made

Im also loving that I have done so good at keeping up with my blog
Im loving that I get a dinner date with my best friend Jessica-yes same
Im loving that im loving life!! :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"And the Thunder Rolls"

Uhhhh... another storm.. another bad storm.. more damage.. ANOTHER damn storm!!
Im so sick of storms that i could scream!..Ok so i literally scrame!
But to top it off our weather channel has a tower cam that pans the downtown area... and they showed a wall cloud and a possible tornado lowering!!..

well geuss what.. my hubby was on his way home at this time.. and tornado sirens were going off... i grabbed the kids and ran to the bathtub.. where i had everything ready to go..

Needless to say if he would have taken my picture when he got home you all would have gotten a good laugh.. i was in a the bathtub with two kids.. bawling my eyes out hyperventilating...
As in my previous post.. i said i am deathly terrified of storms..well i was not lying!!

It also tore down a tree in our back yard! And we are supposed to get more throughout the night! please pray for us!!

Day 10-something your afraid of

This one is easy!...I have 3 very very very distinct fears!!


I am deathly...cry..curl up in a ball..cant sleep..glued to the weather channel.. terrified of storms!!!


Not them themselves.. but driving by them down the road.. I HATE passing one on the street!..The drivers are to careless..and im afraid of being ran over! I get physically sick to my stomach when we pass them on the road!

Any of them.. unless ive been over them a hundred million times.. i am terrified of.. i just do not understand how they work.. how they hold up... and im scared of wrecking on one.. going over and the drowning in a car (another fear).. i just hate them! I have to close my eyes and hold my breath sometimes!!..

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 9

Day 9 of 30 day challenge... A favorite picture of someone you couldnt imagine your life without!
I dont know why I love this picture but i do.. maybe its because its the day we got it has a special meaning.. or maybe its the rustic look of his unshaved face..or maybe its his piercing blue eyes.. whatever it is.. it makes my heart melt when i look at it! :)

Oh i love this man!!!

Hair Bows..

Once upon a time in a land far away...
There was a little girl her name was Braylee Kay...
She always had a big bow all up in her hair..
One to match every outfit her mother made her wear..
Eighty three bows as a matter of fact..
Once her mother started she never looked back..
Dont tell daddy mommy bought another bow..
It wont hurt him if he doesnt have to know!

Just a little poem I wrote.. I love bows.. and i always said that when and if i had a little girl.. she would look and act like a little girl.. and until she can tell me otherwise! lol
Heres a picture of her collection of hairbows :)

Yes i know im addicted!!.. i cant help it!... i also need another holder.. i made the one on bottom.. but plan on getting one like the top!

Posies & ruffle bows.. from the lovely courtney at Bows To Match
She is awesome please check her out!!
Spikies also from the wonderful courtney! :)
 Pass around to all your friends with little girls!

Friday, April 22, 2011

A place you've traveled...

This is day 7 or 8.. i done forgot.. of the 30 day challenge..
Well lets see considering i have never been out of the state of arkansas..or missouri.. and the furthest into oklahoma i have been is Oklahoma city.. this post shall end here.. Yes im a boring person..and yes im looking forward to our move to kentucky.. so i can see something more.. my hubby promises me he will show me the beach & mountains one day..we shall see if it happens!! until then i wait!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Odds & Ends.. In's & Out's!..oh and recipes to!

So I have begun to stress about our big move coming up in sept.. My hubby keeps telling me to pretty much "SHUT UP" because its 3-4 months away!.. But we are considering buying a house.. so i cant help but to get excited about that.. So all i keep doing is looking up homes online.. then i find some & start getting decorating ideas into my head..and well the wheels are spinning!!.. IM SO EXCITED.. i want to do a more country/antique look to the house.. or a shabby chic feel!.. i know exactly what  i want with kysons room!.. i wish now that i had bought the country baby bedding for sis.. but i let my pregnancy hormones change my mind last minute.. so her room i shall deal with!..

Im also stressing because itll be the first time i live near or on a army post.. so im pumped for that.. but yet i dont know what to expect! Im hoping to get involved in some things.. and meet people.. esp ones who have kids because kyson needs some kids to play with.. i love him but sometimes he just drives me nuts! haha!

I have a couple fun ideas in my head for moms & kids..we will see if they pan out..
Like maybe a fun in the sun day.. with food, activities.. all sorts of things dedicated to summer! What ya think??

Also i think im going to start posting recipes on here!.. so stay tuned! ;)

Day 7-Favorite Movies!

Favorite Movies! This one is easy!...

I could watch this movie..over and over again a million times & never get tired of it!.. I love love love it!!

The Notebook-something so sweet & romantic!

Then theres "Pearl Harbor".. again with the love storie!.. Im a sucker for them :)

Then theres "8 Seconds"..Reminds me of my daddy :)

And then you cant forget anything & everything that comes on the hallmark channel! :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 6-Picture that makes you happy!

I geuss it's cheating to say that my kids make me happy.. but its true.. they are my world!!
I could not imagine life without them.. and its hard to think about how my life was before them!
So this challenge was a little easy..if i had to choose something else that makes me happy.. itd be music or food.. and thats a wide variety.. so we will stick with my children! Kyson Todd & Braylee Kay.. Mommy Loves you both soooooooooooo much!!

arent they cute if i do say so myself?? lol

Day 5- A song to match your mood!

You would think that a song to match your mood would be easy wouldnt you?? However I have so many moods.. that im not sure what song to well as the fact that i love SOO many songs its nearly impossible!!..So i will say..that all my favorite men..have songs to fit my mood! Jason Aldean, Luke Bryan, Eric Church..I love these men! Not to mention if you threw them in a blender.. OOOO i could eat em up with a spoon! :) 
So heres my songs
Luke Bryan- "Doin My Thing".. &... "Chuggin Along"-because thats me.. im just doing my thing..and as bad as things get i keep chuggin along!

Jason Aldean "dirt road anthem"- because what i wouldnt be on a dirt road on a summer night with my man..listening to country music.. drinking a beer..laughing & talking!..

Eric Church- "living part of life' troubles.. wish i could leave them behind and fish all day!!!

here they are if you want to listen!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Parents!

My 4
My Parents.. Are seperated.. They have been since I was a young'n
It was for the best.. because i think if they stayed together.. well....
But they made me.. and thats well a blessing to everyone! lol
They were young.. immature..rebellious.. and everything in between...
My daddy was a cowboy back in the day.. he even rode bareback..
My mother hated it!!
My mother was..and still is a drama queen.. God love her..thats where i get it!
So let me introduce them (forgive me, i dont have the best pictures)

My Daddy-Mike Zeiger
We grew apart a few years back.. but now our relationship is stronger than ever.. I love him dearly.. and I dont know what i would do without him!!
He's who i call for advice..and hes ALWAYS there when i need him.. never to judge & never to look down on me!
I truly seen how much he loves me when Braylee was born & him and my step mom came to help out! It was such a blessing!!
His job..i cant disclose.. never know whose reading!
He is a country boy!.. always has been always will be.. a redneck at heart..
Loves loves loves to fish!!.. I think thats where kyson gets it from
I look just like him!
Act alot like him!
I married a man EXACTLY like him.. and i do mean that.. they are to much alike!!!
My daddy..loves my hubby..sometimes i think more than me..and if you knew my dad you would understand that..that blessing is hard to come by!!
My dad remarried.. to my stepmom tammy.. and me her started off rough..but we have become great friends over the years! & my kids love there nana & papa.. oh and uncle wyatt! 13 yr old stepbrother!

My Mother-Judy Ann Hicks
Isnt she pretty.. i hate her for that.. no im jk.. but i do envy her sense of style.. trust me she dresses better than i do!
We to have had a rough relationship over the years..its gotten better with time!
She does hair.. and she does hair well!
She's a very busy women..
People say i act just like her.. i dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing..
Her life has been well..difficult..But its made her a strong women!
She loves church & believes so much in it.. dont get her started if you dont want to hear it!!
She spoils my kids.. bad..they have way to much stuff because of it!!
In order to get to know my mom you have to get her to open up..good luck with that!
She is also remarried.. to my stepdad kevin.. and together they have my 2 brothers.. devin 17 & kove 6.. yes kobe was there uh-oh in life! lol

I cant begin to tell you what i want about my this blog would be far to long..theres some things id love to share..and others that are best left unsaid!

Catch up!!

Ok I realize.. im WAY behind on this whole blog also behind on alot of things.. i have failed the 30 day blog challenge.. i mean i really bombed it.. i didnt even make it to day 4!.. haha.. oops!!

Ok so update on life...
-Sis is growing like a weed, she got her shots yesterday.. and has been sickly all day today! POOR BABY!.
-I am going to get her ears pierced asap.. i know some parents are against that.. but we all have our opinions right??
-Kyson goes to the dentist tomorrow, he has a tooth bothering i hope we can get it fixed and get rid of this stupid binkie that he thinks he has to have!
-We did family pictures sunday.. I had us all dressed cute.. and the hubby was even ready to participate.. but kyson this time did not and i mean DID NOT..want anything to do with it!.. I'll post a picture..of the best one we got...
-Shelbys dad & stepmom came to visit us last weekend.. and it was actually a pleasent visit.. if you knew our past with them you'd understand when i say "actually"
-Im loving the fact that it is warming up outside.. but im hating the fact that the storms come with it! deathly terrified of storms!!!
-Im getting ready for a yard sale.. i say getting ready.. but all my crap is just piled up in a corner in the garage.. i plan on getting to it this weekend!
- I am going to post a few blog post hopefully get caught please dont get annoyed..

OH and please oh please pass me on to friends.. i need more followers & need more blogs to read!! :)